Thursday, December 31, 2009
Dikisahkan Oleh
Zati Suka Pelangi
Assalamualaikum..apart from being happy bout all the student things, I hate being a student bila jadi benda camni..takde air.. perut tgh rumble2 tak menentu..bila2 saje dia mau explode which I was hoping it can really2 wait for another few hours so that takde la time2 takde air nie dia pun ikut nak explode..gewam la plak nanti kan..and skang nie lagi sadis when not even the "thing" inside the perut won't come out but the "angin" also refuses to go out..not a single tiny "put" I heard for the last 1 hour bila my perut started to kejung n kembung.
so now I really2 have to wait and it is waaaaayyyyy uncomfortable.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Dikisahkan Oleh
Zati Suka Pelangi
haha..bunyi mcm ape je yang panas kan..demmit. nie kat kolej nie la..pas satu hal jadi lagi satu hal. gewam sungguh mcm nak tembak orang sekarang nie. malam penuh syahdu dimana aku dah berdengkur enak same la ngn rumet aku yang terchenta nie. tetiba aku perasan kipas makin slow. aik! rumet aku tutup ke? so aku pun ngn mamai bgn untuk bukak balik tapi aku nak perlahankan volume kipas nie la. (kat sini bajet diri nie sangat bertoleransi). rupenya rumet aku nie tak tutup pun kipas tue. aku pun pelik. adakah takde letrik??jeng3x. gila saspen. huhu. so aku try la bukak lampu plak. aik!!!!!!!!lagi la jeng3x kan kalau lampu tu boleh bukak. mmg menyala la pulak lampu tu. adeh.. saspen sungguh cerita nie. so aku pun marah2 la. panas woooo.. kat umah ada ekon (gila belagak) tetiba kat sini langsung ditarik nikmat sampai kipas pun tak jalan..HUWARGHHH!!!hatiku panas......
Friday, December 25, 2009
Dikisahkan Oleh
Zati Suka Pelangi

Baru je balik dari Pengkalan Balak. Best gak..g untuk makan kopok leko n also makan cekodok pisang yang besar n murah. cakap pasal cekodok pisang, teringat la kisah ayah yang tamak haloba..wahaha.. orang tu suggest cekodok pisang singgit, ayah nak 2 inggit.*tau la kita nie badah sodap2*..pastu hah kau, dapat je cekodok maveles tu, berbukit la pulak.. rupenye singgit 6 ketul. hah kau!!makan sampai lebam pun tak abis. last2 kucing buat main bola je kat umah. gila sadis..
nie dah sakit perut nak ek2 plak..ok la..
*word of the day bersama ummi - "wotakau!!"
Dikisahkan Oleh
Zati Suka Pelangi
Assalamualaikum..hectic week. Isnin g daftar diri ke UKM tercinta..then I have to go back to Melaka sbb tak dapat kolej. then I came on wednesday (the lady from college office told me to do so). so I came with lots and lots of expectation of getting one room. tapi hampa gila. I then was told by another lady that postgraduate students are suppose to come the next day. I am totally pissed. so I told my parents about that and they say ok takpe.. so yesterday I went to UKM (again) and berjaya meloloskan diri untuk dapat satu bilik. lega weh. tak dapat bygkan. but the letihness also tak dapat la nak bayangkan. gila penat. lepas g UKM, drive la menggila ke Segamat. Pardon my speed, for I was in total fatigue.. tak laju pun..still ikot speed limit. Consider myself sebagai pemandu berhemah.
Dah sampai Segamat (which my dad *we call him Otai* punch in pukul 12.59 ptg) kitorang kuar trus g segamat. Our perut rumbled like hell, as if they weren't fed the whole week. gosh I hate Segamat. so crowded so we ended up makan kat Pizza Hut. haha..such Luck never come twice. tapi service kat Pizza Hut Segamat suck!! dah la lambat. Aku attempt 3 kali panggil waiter bongok yang gemok itu sorang, instead of dia kate nanti ke or angkat tangan as a sign of please wait, dia ignore je. dia pandang aku then dia terus buat keje dia ngn lambat sekali. I'm so pissed.. nasib baik ada waiter lagi satu yang kerja like hell terkejar sana sini sbb ada teammate yang mcm waiter gemok tue.. waiter nie jugak la yg layan kami. I've noticed 2 families cabut dari Pizza Hut sbb service lambat..after isi perut yang gendut nie, kami bergerak ke UiTM Segamat untuk ayah punch out. Hebat bukan..punch in lambat gila pastu kuar mengular then punch out. giler la otai.. so aku ngn berlagak sombong derhaka taknak bg ayah drive sbb ayah dirve sgt berbahaya sekali. owh how I hate that road to segamat. berpusing2!!
malam tadi tido sampai ke pagi..gila exhausted.
tu je la kisah...
Friday, December 18, 2009
Dikisahkan Oleh
Zati Suka Pelangi
Assalamualaikum..I wasn't expecting this but somehow it came. I really hope for my friend's happiness. love, u will find someone in the future. don't be so heartbroken cause your heart is not meant to be broken. I will always have your back dear.
I just can't explain how time flew so damn fast. Happy New Year to all muslims. For this New year off course hoping for the best in my future undertaking. I came with one resolution for this new year. to succeed.
I was preparing myself for this 21st December. Can't really hide this feeling inside. I've packed all my things quite a few weeks ago. that really explain how excited I was the day I found out I've been selected. I know some of you out there who pray for my failure. One thing I really wanted to say to you guys out there "Never Gonna Happen". All this while I've been keeping my mouth shut doesn't mean that I am afraid.As for membangkitkan diri dari kesilapan lama, I was regretting all those stupid things that happen.
so that is al I really2 wanted to say.
leaving it inside my head really tense me out..
Friday, December 11, 2009
Dikisahkan Oleh
Zati Suka Pelangi
Retarded. boleh tak. ok.. post before this semua telah di delete bg tujuan
tidak mengelirukan pelbagai pihak. semangat baru di hujung tahun. semoga membawa ke masa hadapan yang lebih cerah. since everything telah di clear kan, jadi tiada lagi kekangan bagi aku untuk tulis ape2.
ribuan kemaafan dipinta kepada semua orang yang
pernah aku sakiti dan mungkin juga yang
sedang aku sakiti. semua sekali. semoga permulaan tahun baru ini membawa erti yang paling bermakna bagi semua orang.
since this will be my first post for this blog (literally the first post), I don't really have the intention to ramble a lot. let it be as short as possible.
a million thanks to all, especially for those who gave so
many chances (which I already blew so many times before).